Lead Generation | 4 minute read
How to Write Engaging B2B Emails That Convert
Glen Quinn
Written by Glen Quinn
How to Write Engaging B2B Emails That Convert

B2B email marketing campaigns can be tricky to craft and send effectively if you don’t know what you’re doing. These emails need to stand out from the crowd and be engaging, timely, and relevant – and if they aren’t, your readers will simply skip over them or click delete. So how do you write engaging B2B emails that convert? By following these simple suggestions! We’ll cover everything from creating engaging subject lines to sending an email at the right time to ensuring that your content truly speaks to your readers and makes them want to take action.


Catch Their Attention With The Subject Line

You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: you only have a few seconds to make an impression on your reader. The first step is making sure your subject line is intriguing enough for your prospect to open your email. When writing subject lines, make them about something your target audience cares about, anything that will pique their interest quickly. It might take some trial and error, but when done right, even subjects can be strong content in emails. Another note—be wary of trying too hard in subject lines; they are designed to capture attention so don’t come off as overly salesy! While no one wants someone else’s stale popcorn when they go to the cinema, neither do they want marketing messages masquerading as professional messages when opening up their inboxes at work.


Send Your B2B Marketing Emails at the Right Time

Sending emails at peak times or off-peak times can make a big difference in terms of how many people open your email, click through your links, and respond. Sending an email first thing in the morning, for example, can lead to more clicks than sending it later in the day. The best way to schedule is by looking at industry benchmarks; if you want more information on when specific industries send their emails, just do a quick Google search. Marketo has published some great information on when marketers sent their marketing messages last year—and when they received higher response rates.  But keep in mind that your company may be different than others. Once you get enough data points, you should be able to identify patterns that work well for your business.


Offer A Valuable Content Offer

It’s been said that you should spend 80% of your time on creating valuable content for your readers and only 20% of your time on selling. In other words, don’t beat people over the head with links in every email. Instead, make sure each email contains useful information that will benefit your reader in some way. This could be a free checklist or a video tutorial or just a few bullet points outlining what you have for sale. Just remember that if you want to convert sales into leads, your email needs to provide value first. If it doesn’t grab their attention at first glance, they won’t read it—and never see your offer.  Give them something good enough so they actually want more: Many companies believe providing multiple links is better than one link because it gives them more opportunities to capture an interested lead. While true, three links is also three times as many chances to lose someone's interest, plus twice as many opportunities for recipients to misclick (not realizing where they're headed). We recommend keeping things simple; give prospects one call-to-action (one link) per email campaign.


Focus on Their Pain Points

For many B2B companies, lead generation is critical for success. But, if you’re targeting decision makers in an industry you don’t know much about, it can be difficult to determine exactly how they will respond. When crafting your email campaigns, do your research and then use your findings to focus on their pain points. If they are struggling with keeping track of customer information or keeping up with all of their suppliers, address these issues in your emails and show them how you can help. This way, you’ll appear knowledgeable without making any assumptions about what drives their decision-making process.  And once you have captured their attention, showing them how your product or service will improve their business should seal the deal.


Be Clear and Concise With Your Objective

In a cold email, it’s crucial that you nail your objective as quickly as possible. If you don’t grab their attention from word one, they won’t stick around long enough to read your carefully crafted body copy. Make sure you include a brief and compelling reason for why your reader should even care about what you have to say before you dive into any explanations of who you are or what service or product you offer. And, while your initial efforts may not convert into immediate sales, over time your audience should begin to associate you with positive experiences that build trust— and once that trust is built, it becomes easier for both parties to reach a mutually beneficial solution.​ ​


Make It Personal

A lot of companies make the mistake of sending out emails that don’t sound like they were written specifically for their leads. Make sure your copy sounds conversational. A few good ways to make things more personal are by using humor, addressing your reader directly, and speaking in the first person. As we've already mentioned, don’t be afraid to get creative with your subject lines either! And if it doesn’t catch someone’s attention? You can always change it! It takes about two minutes to tweak a subject line, so if you find something isn’t working, try something else. But ultimately... be yourself and resonate with the person you are emailing! People hate being sold to but love being part of conversations.


Strengthen Your B2B Email Strategy

Writing engaging emails can have a significant impact on your bottom line. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small company or a large company with hundreds of employees—what matters is that you know how to plan and execute a strong email strategy that will resonate with your target audience. The key is investing in your email marketing from start to finish. By doing so, you’ll establish trust and goodwill from those who receive your email as well as those who work hard on each campaign. Get in touch with the experts at GrabSome to find out more about capturing leads through your email marketing.

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